No-Index and robots text on every page

What are No-index and robots text

No-index is a line on the meta of the site, which tells search engines such as Google to not to index the site. However, it’s up to the search engine to respect it or ignores it.

Robots text or robots.txt is basically this files on our site. It’s basically telling bots crawlers to not to crawl on our sites. Of course, this is also up to them to respect it or ignores it.

Why this matters

Basically you will not be able to find our sites though search engines anymore.

Why are we doing this

We are rising in search ranks on many of the search indexes, while this is something to be joy at for most of the websites especially those who profit from ads streams.
But for us it’s something not so good, There are increasing numbers of scams selling dr█gs, selling insurance, car loans and some even advertise their SEO tools (what make them think that we will buy their tools if they spam on our page lol)
It might be inconvenient for a lot of readers who check our site from search engines frequently, my self included. But it comes with the benefits of more privacy, less risk of getting DDOSed by compactor translation groups.

Some other changes that might come

As we know, our sites practice speech rights, everyone is welcome to share their views. That including reading the awful comments of dropping the translation and criticisms. (but as long as you don’t post the same message multiple time under the same chapters)
Without the needs to even fill in nicknames, emails or even registers as users, we are getting bots spamming the comment session with links that contain malicious contents/scams. Roughly 8 times more than the comments you are reading now under the chapters. All of those are filtered by us manually, as our privacy policy of not disclosing information to 3rd party sites or service such as Akismet. We expect things to get worse and should things get worse we might put in captchas, well I know everyone hates doing math questions, reading pictures, typing numbers, highlighting the block of objects. But I’ll arrange something that is suitable for everyone.

6 thoughts on “No-Index and robots text on every page

  1. I have to say that I didn’t know that and on the plus it’s true that ur web site doesn’t have these boring scam, publicity or pop-up that come from nowhere.
    So I’m rooting for u guy and thanks for the dayli chapter ^^!!!

  2. Why don’t you guys use something like disqus for comment feature on your web? Since there are many websites use it.
    You need to login to comment, i guess it’ll help against spammer and the likes

    And you can make a toggle to show/hide the comment section, i’ve seen some web do this maybe to decrease page load time since disqus sometimes won’t load if your connection suck.

  3. Although, captchas may break immersion on reading multiple chapters in a row, I’m willing to deal with it if it means no bots and spam comments. Also, will this affect how sites like novel updates add new chapters. Need to know if I need to stop by the site itself, or not.

  4. I do apologise for posting same comment multiple times. The site was not responding when I posted, so I thought the comment didn’t get posted and tried multiple times. When your site started responding, I saw that the comment had been posted multiple times and there was no delete button.
    I do agree with JustGuests recommendation of using Disqus as it is much better to use and we can also know which comment is a reply to which. I do hate the WordPress default comments plugin.

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