Shadow 127

TL: Mr.Graverobber
TLC: Vercingetorix
Edit: Dragon33

A few readers complained about mistakes in the grammar etc. breaking their immersion. I will continue posting chapters as soon I finish checking them for translation errors, however, they will be marked ‘Unedited’, both in the post and the chapter itself. Our editor, Dragon33, will edit and make corrections whenever he has time, and we’ll remove the ‘unedited’ mark when he’s done with a chapter. If grammatical errors spoil the reading experience for you, then I suggest you wait until he’s done with each chapter to read it. You guys can also help expedite this process by pointing out mistakes to us in the comments.

Link: here
links: unedited

Shadow 126 (Unedited)

TL: Mr.Graverobber
TLC: Vercingetorix

A few days back, Mr.Graverobber commented on one of the chapters released and mentioned that he’d already translated all the way up until the end of this arc (chapter 142). My main motivation to start translating Shadows was to increase the release rate, so I asked him to release the chapters (either here, or on his own website) so that I can go ahead to the next arc. He was kind enough to send over all the chapters he translated. So, until c143, all chapters released were translated by him. We’ll still need to check the translation and edit it where needed, so don’t expect a mass dump of chapters. That being said, the release rate will probably pick up a bit.

Link: here